Oceanside Yacht Club Facilities

Hours of Operation

Oceanside Yacht Club Hours of OperationUpdated 9/25/2024


Banquet Room

Oceanside Yacht Club Banquet Room

Instructions for Private Parties at Oceanside Yacht Club

  • Determine the date/day and times that you desire and check our Calendar of Events to see if any OYC events are scheduled. The day, time and status (member/non-member/affiliate) will determine the room rental fees.
  • Contact Office Manager at 760-722-5751 to get authorization/approval for your party date. Once approved, our event/party coordinator will contact you to go over all details according to your desires/needs.


House Rules

Oceanside Yacht Club House Rules

Revised January 1, 2018

Oceanside Yacht Club’s House Rules are designed to give the greatest enjoyment and pleasure to the greatest number of Oceanside Yacht Club members and their guests. 

♦ OYC is a private club licensed to operate by ABC as well as State and local health regulations. All members are reminded that it is their individual responsibility to act accordingly to ensure our Club’s continuing operation. Guests are welcome if accompanied by a member. Visiting yachtsmen from other recognized yacht clubs are considered legitimate guests of OYC.

♦ All guests will sign the guest register. Guests are limited to 14 visits per year unless they are participating in OYC-sponsored race events.

♦ The dress Code Standards are in place to ensure the enjoyment of all members and visitors. They are important to us and have been established to enhance the overall experience at The Club. Members are encouraged to consider common sense, respect for others, modesty, and the comfort of fellow members and their guests when making decisions about attire. Members and guests should wear appropriate dress in the Clubhouse at all times. SHIRTS AND SHOES ARE REQUIRED. Tube tops, midriff baring attire, short shorts, swim wear (unless covered), are not appropriate in the Clubhouse.

♦   All members and guests are expected to be courteous and respectful and refrain from Profanity in the Clubhouse.

♦   An OYC host member will be held responsible for his/her guests’ unpaid expenses.

♦   If Club property is lost, damaged, or destroyed by a member, guest, or family member, the member will be required to replace or pay for the property.

♦   Members must remain on the premises as long as their guests remain. Guests may not bring other guests into the Clubhouse, unless they are bonafide crewmembers of a yacht utilizing our guest slip.

♦   The Club cannot be held liable for the loss of personal property of any member or guest.

♦   Junior members and children of members do not have any guest privileges. They are permitted in the Clubhouse provided an adult accompanies them. However, non-member parents or guardians of Junior members must accompany the Junior member and should sign in the guest book.

♦   ndividual members of OYC or nonmembers sponsored by members may reserve certain Clubhouse rooms for private parties provided such activities do not interfere with the usual functions of the Club. Approval must be obtained from the Club Manager and/or designated committee chairperson and coordinated with the Office Manager. (Rental fee and further rules and regulations are available in the Club office.)

♦   Member may be requested to show current membership cards at any time. Wearing an approved identification badge is acceptable, but members should be prepared to produce a current membership card when ordering food or beverages from the Clubhouse lounge.

♦   Food and beverages may not be brought into the Clubhouse for consumption by members or guests, except on authorized occasions. Wine may be brought in and consumed after payment of corkage.

♦   Card playing in the Clubhouse rooms is welcomed, but gambling is strictly prohibited.

♦   All notices for posting within the Clubhouse must be cleared through a Club Officer and coordinated with the Office Manager and notice/flyers will not be taped to windows and doors.

♦   Animals are not permitted anywhere in the Clubhouse and/or stairs leading into the facility, unless they are a registered “assistance dog”.

♦   Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Clubhouse and must be at least 40 feet from the building entrance.

♦   Any member who resigns and leaves with a balance due will not be allowed the use of any club facilities. Additionally, this also applies to any member whose membership was terminated due to disciplinary action of the Board. They cannot be a guest of any member or any organization. This restriction may be removed when the indebtedness to the club has been satisfied.

♦   Guests of members (other than family members) will be limited to fourteen visits per year with the exception of a member’s one significant other. A significant other is defined as any individual who cohabits with the member.

♦   Cell Phones are allowed in The Clubhouse and Dining Room, but we ask that you place your phone on vibrate with sound turned off. Please use discretion and courtesy when using your Cell Phone.