Summer Sailing Camps
Session Dates
Session 1: June 9 - 20
Session 2: June 23 - July 3
Session 3: July 7 - 11 (1 week)
Session 4: July 14 - 25
Session 5: July 28 - August 8
Our Boats

The RS Tera is a 9 foot, one person dinghy that is modern, safe, and fun to sail. It's the perfect platform for kids to learn on and has an active racing fleet in California and beyond. OYC owns a fleet of 12 RS Teras, all of which are less than 5 years old.

The CFJ (Club Flying Junior) is a 13.5 foot, two person dinghy that is quick and responsive. It's the standard for high school and collegiate sailing across the United States, with an active fleet of younger sailors competing in Southern California as well. OYC has a fleet of 6 boats used for our Doublehanded and High School Programs.

The RS Feva is a fast, modern two person dinghy that's perfect for kids who are a little too light for the CFJ.

OYC's No Clew is a Sonar 23 Keelboat. No Clew is a stable, maneuverable boat that hosts OYC's Adult Learn-to-Sail and Jr. Big Boat Programs. Featuring three sails (Main, Jib, and Spinnaker), No Clew shares a lot in common with most other 20-40' sailboats and provides a great learning platform.

Oceanside Yacht Club offers a variety of summer camps for sailors of all levels.
Our youth program teaches more than just sailing skills; it teaches teamwork, sportsmanship, self-reliance and confidence — skills and experiences that will benefit our sailors for a lifetime.
The OYC Jr. Sailing Program has a place for sailors of all levels, from total beginners to experienced racers.
Our program is open to the public, and boats are provided. Most of our weekday classes run in a two week, three hour per day format. The program features certified instructors leading their students both on the water and in the classroom.
Junior sailors interested in developing racing skills and discovering their competitive side can participate in junior sailing regattas both at OYC and neighboring yacht clubs.
Beginner Sailing teaches sailors to sail solo in the RS Tera, a small boat perfect for newbies. OYC coaches teach beginners with a focus on having fun on the water. This class is a blast!
Beginner sailing covers all of the skills needed to rig a small boat and sail it solo within the safety of the Oceanside Harbor.
Skills covered include rigging, basic sail trim, steering, and maneuvers.
It's common for sailors (particularly those 8-9 years old) to take beginner sailing a couple of times, especially if they haven't sailed since last summer. OYC coaches monitor student progress and will recommend when a student is ready to progress to Intermediate Tera Sailing or Doublehanded Sailing.
Ages: 8-17
Weight: 50-175 lbs
Prerequisite: none
Class Times
- 9:00 am-12:00 pm, Monday-Friday
- Sessions 1, 2, 4, and 5
- 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Session 3 (one week only)
- 12:45 pm - 3:30 pm
- Sessions 1, 2, and 4
Course Tuition
- Classes starting at 9am
- $355 + applicable member dues (Sessions 1-5)
- Classes starting at 12:45pm
- $325 + applicable member dues
- Note: A 15% discount applies when a beginner and intermediate class are booked at the same time
OYC Junior membership (annual)
- New Member: $170
- Returning Member: $120
The Oceanside Yacht Club Youth Foundation (OYCYF) offers scholarships to current and future sailors experiencing financial challenges.
Contact us at for more information.
Enrollment Policy
Changes and Cancellations
Requests should be submitted to
Changes will be a accommodated based on class availability, and change requests must be made at least 24 hours prior to a class beginning.
Cancellations are charged a fee that varies based on our refund policy.
Refund Policy
For courses more than two days in duration, refunds will be charged a fee that varies depending on how soon before the class start date the cancellation is received.
- 14+ days - no fee
- 7-13 days - 15% fee
- 1-6 days - 50% fee
For classes lasting one or two days, students receive a full refund if the request is received at least 24 hours before the class begins.
There are no refunds delivered after the class start date except in situations where OYC cancels more than a quarter of scheduled class days, in which case you will be refunded on a pro-rated basis.
Gear Checklist
PFD (lifejacket)
OYC Requires that sailors wear a US Coast Guard Approved Type III PFD at all times on the water. The best PFDs feature front pockets and a compact design to minimize the possibility of snagging.
Sunscreen + Hat
A good hat keeps the sun off, and regularly applied sunscreen protects what the hat cannot.
For RS Tera sailors, flip flops will suffice.
For FJ and Big Boat sailors, closed toe shoes are required.
A watch is essential for any class that covers racing, but is not needed for Beginner or Adventure Sailing. Sailor's watches are waterproof and always feature a countdown timer. Sailors can buy a suitable watch from OYC for $25.
Hydration is essential.
All of our classes feature a 15-20 min snack break.