We Are Opening! (from Commodore Mark Mallaby, 6/4/2020)

Latest CoVid19 Communication from OYC.

We are opening!

Dear Members.

It is with great pleasure that I can announce that the club will be opening on Friday June 5th at 5pm. It’s been 2 months since we were able to see each other and share our company. The first thing you will see is the new paint in the bar, the dining room, the deck and railings. The kitchen was torn apart and cleaned from top to bottom and repainted. While we were closed a team of dedicated people kept working as best they could in masks and gloves to bring our club up to ship shape. I want to personally thank Joe Yag, leader, volunteer, Member Rick Mathews, Member, Director Jeanie West and volunteer John Davidson and volunteer Evelyn Read. This team has worked incredibly hard to make our club neat, clean, and safe. They are the best.

Till we get a handle on this whole operating scenario we are limiting the club access to members and direct family of members, no non-member guests at this point until we see how the capacity goes and get better at this. Our capacity is not so much limited by seating but more by the service we want to provide. with the guidelines that are in place keeping up will be a challenge for our team. Please be patient with us, we have never done this before…

In keeping with State guidelines you will see a few changes that are necessary to be able to open. Please follow the guidance, you know wear a mask when you are moving around the club and the club office, maintain distancing, the normal stuff. If your don’t feel well, please respect others and visit when you feel better. If you are at all concerned about your personal space/health that’s OK. We’ll welcome you when you are ready.

Thanks for your patience and support over the last two months. It means a lot…

See you at the club!

Mark Mallaby

Commodore, Oceanside Yacht Club.